The World Needs an Antihero
Austin Conrad is ex-US Army Special Forces, who left the service years ago under circumstances we’ve yet to learn about. Since leaving the Army he’s been knocking heads with one of Southern California’s outlaw motorcycle clubs. He’s no angel–he’s been involved in some bad shit. But one day he stumbles onto something a few members of the club are up to, including the chapter president, which goes too far. Even for Austin’s rather questionable moral compass. That story is told within the pages of Blood Brothers.
Austin is an aging biker, in his late 40’s. He’s a tangled mess of long hair, tattoos, denim and leather. You’ve probably seen the type, hanging out at your local dive bar. He loves knives, whiskey and cheap cigars. Curvy women and outlaw country music. He’s tall, broad and imposing, but he’s sort of let himself go. A steady diet of gas station burritos and rotgut beer have made him a bit soft around the middle. But his ex-brothers from the MC quickly find out that he’s still not one to mess with.
Take your First Ride with Austin for Free!

Check Out The Latest News from My Blog!
Video Blog #004: The Authors Who Shaped Me
In this video I pay my respects to a handful of authors who have influenced my own writing. Sorry it's so long. I got carried away. I actually recorded this over a month ago and shelved it because I thought it got too long. Then I found it and thought what the...
Signed Copies Now Available!
I've been fascinated with how this writing thing has taken off, and struck a chord with a few of my readers. It started out as just an experiment to see if I could write something. Then I learned all about how to publish it. Next was finding readers and learning...
Video Blog #003: Blood Brothers – Story Origins
Blood Brothers was my second book, but it comes first in the Austin Conrad series. Find out how this came about, and a ton of extra inside information about the book, the characters and setting, and a little bit about myself in this week's video blog!...
Video Blog #002: No Time To Bleed – Story Origins
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Video Blog #001: Random Thoughts on My Books So Far
My apologies for how raw this is. I pushed record just to do a test, but I kept rambling and I think there's some pretty good stuff in there, so I kept it. Sorry the audio sucks (I found out I need a better mic than the one on the web cam). And yeah, looking back I...
Blood Brothers Has Launched!
For some of you this is old news but since I've announced it everywhere else, I suppose I'd better post it here on my blog for the two of you who are following my RSS feed: Blood Brothers, my second book, has launched! It's now available on Amazon and most other...
Book Review: Commune 3 by Joshua Gayou
As this is the third book in Joshua Gayou's Commune Series, I thought I'd take a look back at my reviews of the first two installments. Of the first book I said it was an "excellent first book by a new author." By the second book, I had dropped the "by a new author"...
No Time To Bleed Now Available in Audio!
I'm excited to announce that my first novella, No Time To Bleed, is now available as an Audiobook! I know quite a few of you prefer to listen to books these days. I've started to supplement my own reading with the twice-daily listen to a few chapters on my way to...
An Excerpt from the next Austin Conrad Novel!
Greetings, Austin Conrad fans! Today I have a small gift for you, to thank you for your support in having read my first book, No Time To Bleed, and for your patience in waiting for the next installment in Austin's adventures. Below is an excerpt from the next book,...
Book Review: Jebediah’s Crime by Vincent Phan Tran
5 out of 5 stars. Publishing my own first book has been a rewarding—and challenging—experience. Facing those challenges alone would have been difficult enough, but I've been helped through the process by several other new, or fairly new, independent...