Jul 7, 2018 | My Books, On Writing
For some of you this is old news but since I’ve announced it everywhere else, I suppose I’d better post it here on my blog for the two of you who are following my RSS feed: Blood Brothers, my second book, has launched! It’s now available on Amazon...
Feb 28, 2018 | Book Reviews, Uncategorized
As this is the third book in Joshua Gayou’s Commune Series, I thought I’d take a look back at my reviews of the first two installments. Of the first book I said it was an “excellent first book by a new author.” By the second book, I had dropped...
Oct 27, 2017 | Book Reviews
5 out of 5 stars. Publishing my own first book has been a rewarding—and challenging—experience. Facing those challenges alone would have been difficult enough, but I’ve been helped through the process by several other new, or fairly new, independent...