Austin Conrad‘s Harbison Street Industrial Complex occupies most of a city block in the seedy industrial section of east Las Vegas. While all of the units in the complex have Harbison Street addresses, the largest tenant, Espinoza Auto Body, is actually accessed from the back side of the block rather than Harbison Street, as it includes a large fenced yard area at the back of the building that serves as its entrance. Along Harbison Street are a number of old storefronts, some occupied, some boarded up. Among the businesses operating in these storefronts are the tiny Thai food restaurant, But Did You Thai? and the taco shop El Vaquero Borracho. Also housed within the complex is Austin's Shop & Loft, which is where he stays while he’s in Vegas (his time is split between there and Riverside, CA. Austin’s space occupies one of the large service bays with roll-up door, located on the end of the metal commercial building mostly occupied by Espinoza Auto Body. The tenants of the complex are a tight-knit group, always looking out for each other and lending a hand when needed. As Tony Espinoza says, “We’re all family here on the block.”