Loveless Dagger

WEAPON yadayada ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS yadayada – yadayada ABOUT yadayada APPEARS IN

Lorcin .380

WEAPON Lorcin .380 ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS Tillman Grant ABOUT A cheap, small, auto-pistol.  In the late ’80s and ’90’s, a number of small-arms manufacturers were operating in Southern California, producing very inexpensive handguns of variable...

Glock Model 22

WEAPON Glock Model 22 ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS Austin Conrad ABOUT The Glock Model 22 is a polymer-frame auto pistol chambered in .40 S&W.  It is Austin Conrad‘s preferred sidearm, and he grabs one from his armory while preparing for his climactic encounter...

H&K UMP-40

WEAPON Heckler & Koch UMP-40 ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS Austin Conrad ABOUT A submachine gun that fires .40 S&W handgun rounds.  UMP stands for Universale Maschinenpistole, German for “Universal Submachine Gun”. APPEARS...

Brazilian FAL

WEAPON M964 ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS Tillman Grant ABOUT The Brazilian version of the FN-FAL assault rifle, manufactured by IMBEL.  The M964 is a standard length barrel, fixed stock, and can fire both automatic and semi-automatic.  The Rattlers MC keeps a stock of them...