Austin’s Weapons: The Loveless Chute Knife

Austin’s Weapons: The Loveless Chute Knife

Austin Conrad loves his bladed weapons.  At any given time, he might be carrying three to five knives on his person.  His favorite of these is the Loveless Chute Knife, which he normally carries strapped to a boot, concealed under a pant leg. ...
Keeping It Real in Fiction: Human Trafficking

Keeping It Real in Fiction: Human Trafficking

My Austin Conrad books are intended as fast, fun action thrillers.  As I offer in the disclaimer at the bottom of the blurb for each book, they contain “violence, profanity and irreverence, in equal measure.”  The irreverence referred to is sort of my...
Signed Copies Now Available!

Signed Copies Now Available!

I’ve been fascinated with how this writing thing has taken off, and struck a chord with a few of my readers.  It started out as just an experiment to see if I could write something.  Then I learned all about how to publish it.  Next was finding readers and...