Book Review:  Commune 3 by Joshua Gayou

Book Review: Commune 3 by Joshua Gayou

As this is the third book in Joshua Gayou’s Commune Series, I thought I’d take a look back at my reviews of the first two installments. Of the first book I said it was an “excellent first book by a new author.” By the second book, I had dropped...

No Time To Bleed now available Everywhere!

I’m proud to report that No Time To Bleed is now available worldwide, and on every major eBook seller!  Best of all, its priced at only 99 cents (or close equivalent in other currencies).  So whether you read on your Kindle, or prefer iBooks, Nook, Kobo, or most...

No Time To Bleed – First Draft Complete!

I’ve just completed the first draft of my first book! I’m pretty pumped about that but there’s a ton of work left to do. I’m trying to do this on the cheap so I’m doing as much of it myself as I can. A couple rounds of edits, cover...

Well Now Ain’t That a Thang…

You’re not here right now.  You’re reading this at some point in the future, because this is my first post and there’s nobody following it at this point.  Which is cool, if you ask me.  Nobody to watch me flail around as I try to figure out this...